Monday, 20 October 2008

Up Shit Creek Without a Paddle:

  • To be in deep trouble with no solution. (It's actually "Up shit creek without a paddle" --- scans better than "with no paddle."
    There he was with two nickel bags and the narcs at the door. He knew he was up shit creek without a paddle.
  • To be in a bad situation which is either slowly or rapidly getting worse with no evident way out. Should you be armed with a paddle, you still, typically, have a slow long recovery. As soon as the principal saw the smirnoff bottle in my hand, I knew that I was "up shit creek"
  • To be in an undesirable place, or to be in trouble. A contraction of "Up shit creek without a paddle." It can be made to define even more extreme circumstances by adding the suffix "with the repo men on the shore waiting for the boat"
    "I was up Shit Creek without a paddle, and the repo men were waiting on the shore for the boat."

1 comment:

Unknown said...